last updated: September 19, 2024

Stochastic Processes and Financial Mathematics
(part one)

\(\newcommand{\footnotename}{footnote}\) \(\def \LWRfootnote {1}\) \(\newcommand {\footnote }[2][\LWRfootnote ]{{}^{\mathrm {#1}}}\) \(\newcommand {\footnotemark }[1][\LWRfootnote ]{{}^{\mathrm {#1}}}\) \(\let \LWRorighspace \hspace \) \(\renewcommand {\hspace }{\ifstar \LWRorighspace \LWRorighspace }\) \(\newcommand {\mathnormal }[1]{{#1}}\) \(\newcommand \ensuremath [1]{#1}\) \(\newcommand {\LWRframebox }[2][]{\fbox {#2}} \newcommand {\framebox }[1][]{\LWRframebox } \) \(\newcommand {\setlength }[2]{}\) \(\newcommand {\addtolength }[2]{}\) \(\newcommand {\setcounter }[2]{}\) \(\newcommand {\addtocounter }[2]{}\) \(\newcommand {\arabic }[1]{}\) \(\newcommand {\number }[1]{}\) \(\newcommand {\noalign }[1]{\text {#1}\notag \\}\) \(\newcommand {\cline }[1]{}\) \(\newcommand {\directlua }[1]{\text {(directlua)}}\) \(\newcommand {\luatexdirectlua }[1]{\text {(directlua)}}\) \(\newcommand {\protect }{}\) \(\def \LWRabsorbnumber #1 {}\) \(\def \LWRabsorbquotenumber "#1 {}\) \(\newcommand {\LWRabsorboption }[1][]{}\) \(\newcommand {\LWRabsorbtwooptions }[1][]{\LWRabsorboption }\) \(\def \mathchar {\ifnextchar "\LWRabsorbquotenumber \LWRabsorbnumber }\) \(\def \mathcode #1={\mathchar }\) \(\let \delcode \mathcode \) \(\let \delimiter \mathchar \) \(\def \oe {\unicode {x0153}}\) \(\def \OE {\unicode {x0152}}\) \(\def \ae {\unicode {x00E6}}\) \(\def \AE {\unicode {x00C6}}\) \(\def \aa {\unicode {x00E5}}\) \(\def \AA {\unicode {x00C5}}\) \(\def \o {\unicode {x00F8}}\) \(\def \O {\unicode {x00D8}}\) \(\def \l {\unicode {x0142}}\) \(\def \L {\unicode {x0141}}\) \(\def \ss {\unicode {x00DF}}\) \(\def \SS {\unicode {x1E9E}}\) \(\def \dag {\unicode {x2020}}\) \(\def \ddag {\unicode {x2021}}\) \(\def \P {\unicode {x00B6}}\) \(\def \copyright {\unicode {x00A9}}\) \(\def \pounds {\unicode {x00A3}}\) \(\let \LWRref \ref \) \(\renewcommand {\ref }{\ifstar \LWRref \LWRref }\) \( \newcommand {\multicolumn }[3]{#3}\) \(\require {textcomp}\) \(\newcommand {\intertext }[1]{\text {#1}\notag \\}\) \(\let \Hat \hat \) \(\let \Check \check \) \(\let \Tilde \tilde \) \(\let \Acute \acute \) \(\let \Grave \grave \) \(\let \Dot \dot \) \(\let \Ddot \ddot \) \(\let \Breve \breve \) \(\let \Bar \bar \) \(\let \Vec \vec \) \(\DeclareMathOperator {\var }{var}\) \(\DeclareMathOperator {\cov }{cov}\) \(\def \ra {\Rightarrow }\) \(\def \to {\rightarrow }\) \(\def \iff {\Leftrightarrow }\) \(\def \sw {\subseteq }\) \(\def \wt {\widetilde }\) \(\def \mc {\mathcal }\) \(\def \mb {\mathbb }\) \(\def \sc {\setminus }\) \(\def \v {\textbf }\) \(\def \p {\partial }\) \(\def \E {\mb {E}}\) \(\def \P {\mb {P}}\) \(\def \R {\mb {R}}\) \(\def \C {\mb {C}}\) \(\def \N {\mb {N}}\) \(\def \Q {\mb {Q}}\) \(\def \Z {\mb {Z}}\) \(\def \B {\mb {B}}\) \(\def \~{\sim }\) \(\def \-{\,;\,}\) \(\def \|{\,|\,}\) \(\def \qed {$\blacksquare $}\) \(\def \1{\unicode {x1D7D9}}\) \(\def \cadlag {c\`{a}dl\`{a}g}\) \(\def \p {\partial }\) \(\def \l {\left }\) \(\def \r {\right }\) \(\def \F {\mc {F}}\) \(\def \G {\mc {G}}\) \(\def \H {\mc {H}}\) \(\def \Om {\Omega }\) \(\def \om {\omega }\)

8.3 The stopped \(\sigma \)-field \(\msconly \)

Given a filtration \((\mc {F}_n)\) and a stopping time \(T\), it is natural to think about the information available up to and including time \(T\). The following definition makes this concept precise.

  • Definition 8.3.1 Let \((\mc {F}_n)\) be a filtration and let \(T\) be a stopping time. Define

    \[\mc {F}_T=\big \{A\in \mc {F}\-A\cap \{T\leq n\}\in \mc {F}_n\text { for all }n\big \}.\]

In words, \(\mc {F}_T\) is often known as the \(\sigma \)-field obtained by stopping \((\mc {F}_n)\) at time \(T\). If \((\mc {F}_n)\) is the generated filtration of \((X_n)\), then \(\mc {F}_T\) holds the information obtained from \((X_1,X_2,\ldots ,X_T)\). We will often need to use our intuition when dealing with this concept, but let us formally prove that \(\mc {F}_T\) is a \(\sigma \)-field.

  • Lemma 8.3.2 Let \((\mc {F}_n)\) be a filtration and let \(T\) be a stopping time. Then \(\mc {F}_T\) is a \(\sigma \)-field,

Proof: We must check the three conditions of Definition 2.1.1. Firstly, for all \(n\in \N \) we have \(\emptyset \cap \{T\leq n\}=\emptyset \in \mc {F}_n\), so \(\emptyset \in \mc {F}_T\). Secondly, if \(A\in \mc {F}_T\) then \(A\cap \{T\leq n\}\in \mc {F}_n\), and \(\{T\leq n\}\in \mc {F}_n\) because \(T\) is a stopping time. Hence

\[(\Omega \sc A)\cap \{T\leq n\}=\{T\leq n\}\sc \l (A\cap \{T\leq n\}\r )\quad \in \mc {F}_n\]

so \(\Omega \sc A\in \mc {F}_T\). Thirdly, if \(A_m\in \mc {F}_T\) for all \(m\), then \(A_m\cap \{T\leq n\}\in \mc {F}_n\) for all \(m,n\). Hence

\[\l (\bigcup _{m=1}^\infty A_m\r )\cap \{T\leq n\}=\bigcup _{m=1}^\infty A_m\cap \{T\leq n\}\quad \in \mc {F}_n,\]

so \(\cup _{m=1}^\infty A_m\in \mc {F}_T\).   ∎