last updated: January 23, 2025

Bayesian Statistics

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\DeclareMathOperator *{\argmax }{arg\,max} \DeclareMathOperator *{\argmin }{arg\,min} \) \( \def \to {\rightarrow } \def \iff {\Leftrightarrow } \def \ra {\Rightarrow } \def \sw {\subseteq } \def \mc {\mathcal } \def \mb {\mathbb } \def \sc {\setminus } \def \wt {\widetilde } \def \v {\textbf } \def \E {\mb {E}} \def \P {\mb {P}} \def \R {\mb {R}} \def \C {\mb {C}} \def \N {\mb {N}} \def \Q {\mb {Q}} \def \Z {\mb {Z}} \def \B {\mb {B}} \def \~{\sim } \def \-{\,;\,} \def \qed {$\blacksquare $} \CustomizeMathJax {\def \1{\unicode {x1D7D9}}} \def \cadlag {c\`{a}dl\`{a}g} \def \p {\partial } \def \l {\left } \def \r {\right } \def \Om {\Omega } \def \om {\omega } \def \eps {\epsilon } \def \de {\delta } \def \ov {\overline } \def \sr {\stackrel } \def \Lp {\mc {L}^p} \def \Lq {\mc {L}^p} \def \Lone {\mc {L}^1} \def \Ltwo {\mc {L}^2} \def \toae {\sr {\rm a.e.}{\to }} \def \toas {\sr {\rm a.s.}{\to }} \def \top {\sr {\mb {\P }}{\to }} \def \tod {\sr {\rm d}{\to }} \def \toLp {\sr {\Lp }{\to }} \def \toLq {\sr {\Lq }{\to }} \def \eqae {\sr {\rm a.e.}{=}} \def \eqas {\sr {\rm a.s.}{=}} \def \eqd {\sr {\rm d}{=}} \def \approxd {\sr {\rm d}{\approx }} \def \Sa {(S1)\xspace } \def \Sb {(S2)\xspace } \def \Sc {(S3)\xspace } \)

6.3 Exercises on Chapter 6

  • 6.1 \(\color {blue}\star \) Show that the mode of the \(\Gam (\alpha ,\beta )\) distribution is \(\frac {\alpha -1}{\beta }\), where \(\alpha \geq 1\). What about \(\alpha \in (0,1)\)?

  • 6.2 \(\color {blue}\star \,\star \) The following equations, written in Bayesian shorthand, are the key conclusions from results in earlier chapters of these notes. Which results are they from?

    • (a) \(f(x|y)=\frac {f(y,x)}{f(y)}\).

    • (b) If \(\theta \sim \Beta (\alpha ,\beta )\) and \(x|\theta \sim \Bern (\theta )^{\otimes n}\) then \(\theta |x\sim \Beta (\alpha +k,\beta +n-k)\), where \(x=(x_i)_1^n\) and \(k=\sum _1^n x_i\).

    Write the following results in Bayesian shorthand, using similar notation to that in parts (a) and (b).

    • (c) Lemma 4.2.1.

    • (d) From Section 4.5, the two facts above Lemma 4.5.2 concerning marginal and conditional distributions of the \(\NGam \) distribution.

  • 6.3 \(\color {blue}\star \,\star \) The following results are written in Bayesian shorthand.

    • (a) If \(x\sim N(0,1)\) then \(x|\{x>0\}\sim |x|\).

    • (b) If \(x\) and \(y\) are independent then \(x|y\sim x\).

    In each case, write a version of the results in precise mathematical notation. Which parts of Chapter 1 are they closely related to?

  • 6.4 \(\color {blue}\star \,\star \) Suppose that we model \(x|\theta \sim \NBin (m,\theta )^{\otimes n}\), where \(m\in \N \) is fixed and \(\theta \in (0,1)\) is an unknown parameter.

    • (a) Show that \(f(x|\theta )\propto \theta ^{mn}(1-\theta )^{\sum _1^n x_i}.\)

    • (b) Show that the prior \(\theta \sim \Beta (\alpha ,\beta )\) is conjugate to \(\NBin (m,\theta )^{\otimes n}\), and find the posterior parameters.

    • (c)

      • (i) Show that the reference prior for \(\theta \) is given by \(f(\theta )\propto \theta ^{-1}(1-\theta )^{-1/2}\).

      • (ii) Does \(f(\theta )\) define a proper distribution?

      • (iii) Find the posterior density \(f(\theta |x)\) arising from this prior.

    Hint: The setup given is a Bayesian model with model family \(M_{\theta }\sim \NBin (m,\theta )^{\otimes n}\).

  • 6.5 Suppose that we model \(x|\mu ,\tau \sim \Normal (\mu ,\frac {1}{\tau })^{\otimes n}\), where both \(\mu \) and \(\tau \) are unknown parameters. We use the improper prior \(f(\mu , \tau )\propto \frac {1}{\tau }\) for \(\tau >0\), and \(f(\tau )=0\) elsewhere.

    • (a) \(\color {blue}\star \,\star \) Show that for \(\mu \in \R \) and \(\tau >0\) the posterior distribution satisfies

      \[f(\mu ,\tau |x)\propto \tau ^{\frac {n}{2}-1}\exp \l (-\frac {\tau }{2}\sum _{i=1}^n(x_i-\mu )^2\r ).\]

    • (b) \(\color {blue}\star \star \star \) Find the marginal p.d.f of \(\tau |x\). Show that \((\mu ,\tau )|x\) is a proper distribution if and only if \(n\geq 2\).

    Hint: The setup given is a Bayesian model with model family \(M_{\mu ,\tau }\sim \Normal (\mu ,\frac {1}{\tau })^{\otimes n}\). For part (b) use the sample-mean-variance identity (4.10).

  • 6.6 \(\color {blue}\star \,\star \) Let \((M_\theta )_{\theta \in \Pi }\) be a continuous family of distributions. For \(i=1,2,\) let \(\Theta _i\) be a continuous random variable with p.d.f. \(f_{\Theta _i}\), both taking values in \(\R ^d\). Let \(\alpha ,\beta \in (0,1)\) be such that \(\alpha +\beta =1\).

    • (a) Show that \(f_\Theta (\theta )=\alpha f_{\Theta _1}(\theta )+\beta f_{\Theta _2}(\theta )\) is a probability density function.

    • (b) Consider Bayesian models \((X_1,\Theta _1)\) and \((X_2,\Theta _2)\), with the same model family \((M_\theta )\) and different prior distributions. Consider also a third Bayesian model \((X,\Theta )\) with model family \((M_\theta )\) and prior \(\Theta \) with p.d.f. \(f_\Theta (\theta )=\alpha f_{\Theta _1}(\theta )+\beta f_{\Theta _2}(\theta )\).

      Show that the posterior distributions of these three models satisfy

      \[f_{\Theta |_{\{X=x\}}}(\theta )=\alpha ' f_{\Theta _1|_{\{X_1=x\}}}(\theta ) + \beta ' f_{\Theta _2|_{\{X_2=x\}}}(\theta )\]

      where \(\alpha '=\frac {\alpha Z_1}{\alpha Z_1+\beta Z_2}\) and \(\beta '=\frac {\beta Z_2}{\alpha Z_1+\beta Z_2}\). Here \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\) are the normalizing constants given in Theorem 3.1.2 for the posterior distributions of \((X_1,\Theta _1)\) and \((X_2,\Theta _2)\).

    • (c) Outline briefly how to modify your argument in (c) to also cover the case of discrete Bayesian models.

  • 6.7 \(\color {blue}\star \star \star \) This question explores the idea in Exercise 4.6 further, but except for (a)(ii) it does not depend on having completed that exercise.

    • (a) Let \((M_\theta )\) be a discrete or absolutely continuous family with range \(R\). Let \((X,\Theta )\) be a Bayesian model with model family \(M_\theta ^{\otimes n}\). Let \(x\in R^n\) and write \(x(1)=(x_1,\ldots ,x_{n_1})\), \(x(2)=(x_{n_1+1},\ldots ,x_{n})\). Let \((X_1,\Theta )\) and \((X_2,\Theta |_{\{X_1=x(1)\}})\) be Bayesian models with model families \(M_\theta ^{\otimes n_1}\) and \(M_\theta ^{\otimes n_2}\), where \(n_1+n_2=n\).

      • (i) Show that

        \[(\Theta _1|_{\{X_1=x(1)\}})|_{\{X_2=x(2)\}}\eqd \Theta |_{\{X=x\}}.\]

        Use likelihood functions to write your argument in a way that covers both the discrete and absolutely continuous cases.

      • (ii) What is the connection between this fact and Exercise 4.6?

    • (b) Rewrite your solution to (a)(i) in a Bayesian shorthand notation of your choice.